Design of the navigation system


The main goal of the visual navigation design project is the proper movement of people and visitor groups in general in a given area.

Having many years of experience in developing orientation and visual communication systems, we use our design analysis methodology, patterns of movement of visitor groups and their peculiarities of environmental perception, tested and tested in local conditions. This methodology allows us to understand how the created orientation system will interact with the environment and with individual groups of visitors influencing their actions.

All of our projects begin with design studies. Design studies are a very important part of orienteering system development because the data collected determines how the work will proceed in the next stages of development, what system will be used to set up the positioning of signs, how navigation information will be presented, etc.

In addition to ordinary guests, it is very important not to forget about different groups of visitors, such as people with reduced mobility, visually impaired visitors, and visitors with babies who require special treatment and attention.

The most visible part of our projects is the graphic design and structural design. When designing signage, we try as much as possible to take into account all the specifics of its use from size to mounting locations.

Once we have developed a good look of the signs we always have an understanding of what materials it can be made from, otherwise the design would remain a pretty picture.

Ultimately, we have to create all the prerequisites for a positive visitor orientation experience, and any positive visitor orientation experience at a facility gives visitors emotional loyalty, which in turn is monetized in both the short and long term.